
"A bed is not a bed. A bed is a place to dream and feel safe. It's not just furniture. It's love. It's pride. It's dignity." --Treger Strasberg

Meet Rob & Treger Strasberg

founding humble

In 2009, Treger met a recently homeless family. After the family found a house they could afford, they had nothing left over in the budget to furnish it. The children were sleeping on piles of blankets.

Treger and her friend Ana started collecting items to furnish the home. They called their friends, neighbors, people they didn’t know—asking for beds, linens, furniture, and kitchen items.

The furniture kept coming. So Treger called 9 different shelters and said “We have all this stuff, and we want our donations to go directly to families who are in need.”

The shelters all responded: “That’s really a great idea, but nobody does that.” Treger and Rob identified a hole in the system, and Humble Design was born.